How A Good Protein Powder Can Help With Weight Loss

When it comes to losing weight, there is so much more to consider than just how much is on your plate, or in your blender. Besides serving size, the function and benefits of the ingredients you are using play a big role in weight loss. As a Holistic Nutritionist and Women’s Weight Loss Coach, these are the top things I personally look for in a protein powder.

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Easy to digest: Ingredients that are fermented and sourced from whole foods are going to be easier to digest. This is important because good gut health is everything when it comes to weight loss! Your gut is where you absorb nutrients from your food, it’s where we make hormones and B vitamins. A powder that also contains additional probiotics gets additional bonus points in my book!

No added sugar: This includes artificial sweeteners. Blood sugar balance is extremely important for anyone looking to lose or maintain weight. Added sugar can spike insulin levels, can cause unwanted cravings, headaches, and overeating. If you choose a powder that is unsweetened, then mix it in to your blender with fresh berries for natural flavour, nutrients, fibre, and additional sweetness.

Fiber: This could come in the form of additional superfoods, veggies, nuts, seeds and fruit. Fibre is our friend, especially when it comes to weight loss. It acts as a “broom” in our body, collecting excess hormones and toxins that we no longer need, it provides vitamins and minerals, and it helps to regulate blood sugar while keeping us full for longer. If your protein powder does not have additional fibre, you can certainly blend in a big handful of spinach, some ground flax seeds, and fruit. One of my go-to Greens powders is on the lower end in the protein department, but gives a great fibre boost to any smoothie. Everyone should aim to get in a minimum of 30 grams of fibre each day.

Enough protein: Protein can come from whey, dairy, pea, nuts or seeds. Whatever your choice, make sure your smoothie has a minimum of 20 grams per serving. Protein provides the building blocks for life, it’s important for metabolism and satiety. If your protein powder doesn’t measure up, you can always top your smoothie off with a dollop of Greek yogurt or blend in some chia seeds to make up the difference.

Don’t forget: When building a smoothie, be sure that you also include:

A healthy fat: This helps to prevent those sugar spikes and helps with satiety. Try either a tablespoon of almond or seed butter, a handful of cashews or almonds, a drizzle of coconut or flax oil.

Other ways to use it: Not into smoothies? No problem! Besides using protein powder in a drinkable form, try adding it into oatmeal, cookies and muffins, and yogurt.

One of my fave Canadian protein powders is one I get on Amazon every time I’m shopping (hi, often!), that checks off all the important things I require in order to make it Nutritionist and Weight Loss Coach-approved. Just blend it up and enjoy!

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