Electromagnetic Fields (EMF): Understanding the Risks and How to Protect Yourself

Have you ever considered the potential risks of constant exposure to EMF radiation from our everyday devices? From cell phones to Wi-Fi, our modern world is filled with electromagnetic fields that may impacts time we take a closer look at the importance of safeguarding ourselves from these potential harms.

What is EMF?

EMF, or electromagnetic field, is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It is present whenever electricity is used, including in the operation of appliances, power lines, and electrical wiring. EMF consists of both electric fields, created by voltage, and magnetic fields, created by the flow of current. The strength of EMF diminishes as you move farther away from its source, but it can still be detected at a distance.

In modern society, EMF is found in various settings, such as homes, workplaces, and public spaces. Common sources of EMF include electronic devices like cell phones, computers, and microwave ovens. Power lines, transformers, and electrical substations also emit EMF. Additionally, certain industrial equipment and medical devices can generate significant electromagnetic fields. While EMF from these sources is generally low, prolonged exposure to high levels of EMF has raised concerns about potential health effects.

Person sitting with a laptop directly on their lap with potential EMF radiation exposure

How EMF affects your health

Exposure to electromagnetic fields has been a topic of concern and debate when it comes to its potential effects on human health. Extremely low-frequency EMF, such as that emitted by power lines and electrical devices, has been associated with an increased risk of certain health conditions. There are concerns about the potential impact of EMF on brain function, infertility, diseases, and the development of certain neurological conditions, although more research is necessary to help us learn more.

According to the World Health Organization, “Heating is the main biological effect of the electromagnetic fields of radiofrequency fields. In microwave ovens this fact is employed to warm up food. The levels of radiofrequency fields to which people are normally exposed are very much lower than those needed to produce significant heating. The heating effect of radiowaves forms the underlying basis for current guidelines. Scientists are also investigating the possibility that effects below the threshold level for body heating occur as a result of long-term exposure.” Some reported symptoms due to exposure include headaches, anxiety, suicide and depression, eye irritation, cataracts, increased risk of childhood leukaemia, nausea, fatigue and loss of libido. The important point to remember is that biological effect does not equal health hazard, but limiting your exposure to EMF is always a safe practice.

Protect yourself from EMF by doing this

To protect yourself from EMF (electromagnetic fields), you can start by minimizing your exposure to electronic devices. For example, you can use a wired internet connection instead of relying on Wi-Fi, and you can keep your distance from electronic devices when they are not in use. Another way to protect yourself is by using EMF shielding products, such as phone cases, protective shungite stickers, or laptop pads designed to block or reduce EMF emissions. In other words, never use your laptop right from your lap!

Stylish print blue light blocking glasses

At night, create a conducive sleep environment by keeping electronic devices away from the bedside, and turn off devices when not in use to help minimize EMF exposure. The blue light from electronic devices that many of us take to bed interferes with our melatonin production, leading to less quality sleep. If you decide to read from a laptop, Kindle or phone in bed, wear Blue Light Blockers or a Red Light mask.

Another way to protect yourself from EMF is by being mindful of your surroundings. For instance, you can avoid spending prolonged periods near high-voltage power lines or electrical substations. You can consider using EMF protection jewelry, like Black Tourmaline and Shungite, or wear clothing that is designed to reduce the absorption of EMF radiation.

Woman reading in bed on a laptop wearing blue light blocking glasses

EMF protective mats are becoming increasingly popular as people become more aware of the potential health risks associated with electromagnetic fields. These mats are designed to help block or absorb the EMF radiation emitted by electronic devices such as laptops, computers, and cell phones. Many individuals use EMF protective mats at work to reduce their exposure to EMF radiation from office equipment, while others use them at home to create a more EMF-safe environment. With the growing concern over EMF exposure, these mats have gained popularity among those looking to minimize their potential health risks from prolonged EMF exposure.

Sunset with power lines

Finally, there is a way to protect your electromagnetic field with a wearable device, called Healy and the MagHealy which incorporates pulsed magnetic field therapy (PEMF) for use around the home and your environment. Choose from programs like Bioenergetic Defence, General Protection, Electrosensitivity, Geopathic Protection, and Planet Protection when you purchase the Professional Models. We love to use the MagHealy in the office as it gives off a 3 foot radius of protection, and we wear the Healy while running protective programs throughout the day. Animals love it, too!

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